Konferenca Ndërkombëtare e Dizajnit të Integruar, Modës dhe Artit dhe Medias Digjitale këtë edicion solli prezantues dhe hulumtime interesante, të cilat ndërlidheshin kryesisht me tema si: dizajn grafik në dizajn të brendshëm, reflektimet vizuale dhe roli komunikues i dizajnit, prezantimi i të menduarit sistematik në arsimin universitar të dizajnit industrial.
Punimet që janë dorëzuar dhe prezantuar në Konferencën e Dizajnit të Integruar, Modës dhe Artit dhe Medias Digjitale janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Ylber Limani
Co – Chair: Sebil Spat
Keynote speaker: Serkan Bayraktaroğlu
- “Introducing systems thinking in undergraduate industrial design education”, Serkan Bayraktaroğlu, Istanbul University, Beyazit.
- “Effects of Interior Design on User Emotions: An Exploratory Research”, Ylber Limani, Adea Tuzi.
- “The Effects of Interior Design on the Microeconomics:From the Perspective of Clients”,Ylber Limani, Anisa Mekuli.
- “A Case Study of Nonformal Learning Models for Interdisciplinarity and Multidisciplinarity with Focus on Arts, Design, Technology, and Creative Writing”, Artrit Bytyçi,
- “‘POP-UP’ – a presentation of student fashion designs in the times of COVID-19 pandemics”, Aferdita Statovci.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Ariana Gjoni
Co – Chair: Cennet Lika
Keynote speaker: Serkan Bayraktaroğlu
- “Zero Waste Design with Draping Technique”, Ariana Gjoni, Nertila Memaj.
- “Promoting Monuments of Prizren Throught Technology”, Sebil Spat.
- “The impact of the symbol that survives trends”, Ardita Rizvanolli.
- “The illegal outdoor advertising and its psychological, security and aesthetic consequences – Case of Municipality of Prishtina”, Milot Gusia.
- “Biomimicry in Mimesis of Fashion”, Cennet Lika.
- “Mismatch between kindergarten furniture and children’s body dimensions in the region of Ferizaj”, Muharrem Sejdiu, Bujar Jashari, Lulzim Idrizi.
Sesioni i tretë
- “Body talk”, Laura Ymeri
- “Graphic Design in Interior Design”, Rolad Asllani, Arbresha Hoxha.
- “Building a letter font”, Kaltrina Veselaj Shllaku,
- “The application of AR/VR technology in e-commerce Study on the experience of buying and selling in e-commerce based on AR/VR technology in the Republic of Kosovo”, Zymer Veliu
- “Inspiring Civic Action Through Utilization of Green Public Spaces: OnTop Gallery”, Fatmir Mustafa,
- “Visual reflections and the communicative role of design”, Arbresha Hoxha.