Konferenca ndërkombëtare e Shkencave Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinierisë, e cila mbledh profesionistë dhe akademikë nga e gjithë bota për të diskutuar tema të rëndësishme dhe inovative në fushën e teknologjisë dhe zhvillimit të softuerit.
Sesionet e konferencës u fokusuan në avancimin e teknologjive dhe përmirësimin e shërbimeve në sektorin e shëndetësisë dhe menaxhimit urban. Pjesëmarrësit kishin mundësinë të angazhoheshin në diskutime të thella, duke ndarë përvoja dhe ide që do të kontribuojnë në zhvillimin e ardhshëm të teknologjisë dhe shkencave kompjuterike.
Pjesëmarrësit patën mundësinë të angazhohen në diskutime të thella dhe të ndajnë përvoja, që do të kontribuojnë në zhvillimin e ardhshëm të teknologjisë dhe shkencave kompjuterike.
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Lavdim Menxhiqi
Co –Chair: Blerim Zylfiu
“Automatic Transformer Design Tool Selection in the Online-CADCOM Platform”, Katerina Kostova Galia Marinova;
“Implementation of IoT Hub and Digital Twins at UBT Smart and Self-Sustainable City”, Edmond Hajrizi;
“Building Smart Ecosystems Through IoT Cloud Solutions A Case Study at UBT Campus”, Milot Morina;
“Improving User Experience and Personalization in Ecommerce Websites”, Vesa Morina Albin Limani;
“Service Oriented Design: Achieving Scalability in Microservice Based Systems Using gRPC and Message Broker”, Butrint Salihu Xhelal Jashari;
“Online Restaurant Management System”, Blerta Xheladini, Lavdim Beqiri;
“MS SQL Server vs. PostgreSQL: An In-Depth Comparative Analysis Using Simulated Database Environments”, Lavdim Menxhiqi, Blerim Zylfiu, Edmond Hajrizi, Naim Llumnica ,Behar Haxhismajli;
“Development of a .vehicle auction system .using .net core and .next.js”, Berat Dullaj, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Vehebi Sofiu, Mirlinda Selimaj.
“The evolution of web development”, Leart Musahu, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Vehebi Sofiu, Laura Gjikokaj.
“Comparative Analysis of Agile and Waterfall Methodologies in Software Development”, Vjollca Baxhaku, Lavdim Beqiri.
“Leveraging AWS Lambda functions and GitHub actions for deployment of serverless apps”, Martin Djonov, Fisnik Doko, Miroslav Galabov.
“Handling mass-data in modern healthcare: a review of data streaming technologies”, Ylli Kllokoqi, Vehebi Sofiu.
“The improvement of the use of open data in public institutions”, Besart Hyseni, Lejla Abazi Bexheti.
“Advanced analysis of ui/ux with eye-tracking in ecommerce internet applications and the use of statistical analyses to increase conversion rates”, Riona Sopi, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Mirlinda Selimaj, Laura Gjikokaj.
“AI-Powered Platforms for Institutional Accountability: A Comparative Analysis of AI Algorithms for AntiCorruption Systems”, Blerim Zylfiu, Lavdim Menxhiqi, Edmond Hajrizi, Elton Boshnjaku.
“A Comparative Study of Optimization Algorithms: Ant Colony Optimization vs Simulated Annealing Alma Novobërdaliu”, Jeta Domi, Rreze Rexhepi, Edmond Hajrizi.
“Graph Database Applications in Social Network Analysis: Unraveling Interconnected Data and Interactions”, Alma Novobërdaliu, Edmond Hajrizi.
Sesioni dytë
Chair: Bertan Karahoda
Co – Chair: Besnik Qehaja
“Development of a Smart City Platform: IoT Integration and AI-Driven Predictive Analytics for Environmental Sustainability”, Edmond Hajrizi, Besnik Qehaja, Blerim Zylfiu, Elton Boshnjaku.
“AI-Powered Algorithms in Car Plate Detection: A Case Study on Kosovo Plate Recognition”, Greta Ahma, Gerta Ahma, Mirlinda Reqica.
“Transforming Healthcare .Systems Through the .Integration of Artificial .Intelligence and Blockchain”, Edmond Hajrizi, Elinda Krasniqi, Besnik Qehaja, Vehbi Neziri.
“Detection Of Heart .Diseases Using Artificial /Intelligencess”, Englebert Zefaj, Altin Murtezaj.
“Enhancing Patient Care: Supervised Machine Learning in Personalized Nutrition Recommendation Systems”, Fatjon Gashi, Greta Ahma, Gresa Ahma, Vehebi Sofiu.
“Integrating Augmented Reality in UBT Smart City Infrastructure”, Saranda Dreshaj.
“NLP for Voice-Based Accident Reports in Insurance Claim Management Apps”, Edmond Jajaga, Sumea Çadraku.
“Advancing Named Entity Recognition and Entity Linking for LowResource Languages: A Focus on RoBERTa Performance for Albanian”, Mirlinda Reqica, Meriton Reqica, Greta Ahma, Marigona Reqica.
“IoT Enabled Health Monitoring System Using Wearable Sensors for .Chronic /Disease .Management”, Greta Ahma, Mirlinda Reqica, Elita Hajrizi.
“The challenges of the .digital transformation of a .hospital according to the .trends of innovative .technological development”, Vehebi Sofiu, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti ,Mirlinda Recica, Mirlinda Selimaj, Greta Ahma.
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Zhilbert Tafa
Co – Chair: Amet Shabani
“Drones Neutralization, Drone Defense Solutions”, Vassil Guliashki, Galia Marinova.
“Applied cryptography with python”, Hizer Leka, Albiona Leka.
“Tracking LUCR-3’s Relentless Attacks Across the Cloud Ecosystem”, Edmond Hajrizi, Abian Morina, Besnik Qehaja.
“A Comparative Analysis of Mathematical Domains and Computer Network Domains”, Vesë Vrellaku, Hizer Leka.
“Solving Network Problems through Intelligent Systems”, Liridon Hoti, Rigon Pira, Dijana Latifi.
“Digital Identity Verification in Finance”, Eda Tabaku, Ejona Duc.
“Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in the execution of transactions”, Fitim Aliu, Faton Kabashi, Lamir Shkurti, Vehebi Sofiu, Mirlinda Selimaj./UBTnews/