Në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion të UBT-së, Konferenca për Edukim dhe Zhvillim, si dhe ajo e Gjuhës dhe Kulturës, virtualisht dhe në formë fizike sollën hulumtime dhe punime të ekspertëve të shumtë, të të dy fushave përkatëse.
Në këtë konferencë janë trajtuar tema që ndërlidhen me edukimin, inteligjencën artificiale në edukim, për gjuhën angleze, metodologjitë e gjuhës angleze, si dhe për tema të tjera.
Temat të cilat janë prezantuar në Konferencën për Edukim dhe Zhvillim, si dhe Gjuhë dhe Kulturë janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Alma Lama
Co-Chair: Halil Bashota
- “Classroom 3.0 as a new framework to support teaching and learning in Kosovo Education”, Edmond Hajrizi
- “Will Artificial Intelligence demand Education to produce higher thinking citizens?”, Roy and Irina Andersen
- “Currenct Issues in English Language Teaching”, David Deubelbeiss
- “Challenges of the Covid Era for Higher Education Institutions”, Pavel Zgaga
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Trendeline Haliti-Sylaj
Co-Chair: Lisjeta Thaqi-Jashari
- “Key ingredients for making the digital learning ecosystem work”, Krenare Lleshi
- “Founder of the Tales of Strays Campaign”, Margarita Kosior
- “Methodological approach in teaching English language in elementary school through action research”, Luljeta Bajrami Shala
- “Love’s the meaning of the universe”: On Franz Werfel’s German Translation of Verdi’s Opera Simon Boccanegr”, Lothar Tschapka
- “Reflections on Indian Casino Gaming: Can the Subaltern Speak or Win through a Slot Machine”, Maja Muhic
- “Urban Regenerative Design: A comprehensive Analysis of the Relationship Between Urban Greenspace and Child obesity”, Qingchang He
- “Challenges in Language Planning and Policies in the Western Balkans”, Agim Poshka
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Eglantina Bilalli
Co-Chair: Fatbardha Qehaja-Osmani
- “An Evaluation of ESP Textbooks Used in Kosovo Higher Education”, Alma Lama
- “Student Motivation and Engagement during Online Classes in public schools of Prishtina”, Era Baliu
- “Effect of Project Based Learning on the Reading Skills”, Shahzadi Hina Sain & Zohaib Hassan Sain
- “Multilingualism, a Challenge for Macedonian Institutions”, Agim Ibrahimi
- “The school principal as a manager and a pedagogical leader”, Lulzime Latfiu Kadriu
- “Graphic novels “Wrinkles” and “Special Exit”- a comparative study”, Halil Bashota
- “Revenge and the Answer to the Question “Who’s there?”, Blerina Jashari
- “Intercultural communication, part of chain in interethnic equality”, Nexhat Cocaj
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Alma Lama
Co-Chair: Ereza Mehmeti
- “Interrelation of Mathematics within the STEM”, Duli Pllana
- “Hubris in English Literature”, Fatbardha Doko
- “The impact of songs and films on the improvement of listening skills”, Lisjeta Thaqi
- “Distance Learning in the Times of Covid-19 – Kosovar Teacher’s Perspective”, Rina Krasniqi
- “Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on development and research of students in Kosovo”, Manjola Brahaj
- “Difficulties in solving word problems by using linear equations with one variable in the 6th and 7th graders in lower secondary schools”, Qendresa Morina
- “Teaching Grammar through Communicative Language Teaching. A Study of Teacher’s Perceptions and Classroom Experiences”, Adelina Ramadani
- “The importance of the teacher-student relationship and the effect on students’ learning”, Diana Sejdiu Shala