UBT News

Dhjetëra studiues të Ekonomisë prezantuan punime shkencore në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare të UBT-së

Konferenca Ndërkombëtare Menaxhment, Biznes dhe Ekonomi mblodhi studiues, ekspertë, profesorë dhe student të shumtë nga vendi dhe rajoni, të cilët prezantuan tema tejet interesante dhe shpalosën të gjeturat e tyre nga hulumtimet shkencore.

Sesionet përfshijnë studime mbi ndikimin e digjitalizimit në mikrofinancën në Kosovë, analiza e tregut të e-commerce në Ballkanin Perëndimor, dhe vendimet për investime të gjelbra në eksport. U diskutua gjithashtu një analizë krahasuese e regresionit linear dhe Random Forest për parashikimin e çmimeve të pronave në Prishtinë, si dhe faktorët e rrezikut të kreditit në rajon. 

Gjithashtu temat u përqendruan në qeverisjen korporative në ndërmarrjet publike, ndikimin e çmimeve dhe reklamave në shitje, si dhe sipërmarrjen sociale për zhvillim të qëndrueshëm. U trajtua gjithashtu përdorimi i marketingut digjital si mjet inovativ për rekrutimin e punonjësve dhe roli i marketingut sipërmarrës në suksesin e startupeve.

Sesioni i parë:

Chair: Edmond Hajrizi

Co – Chair: Muhamet Gërvalla

“The Impact of Digitalization on Microfinance in Kosovo Performance” – Shpresim Vranovci

“An analysis of the e-commerce landscape and growth potential in the Western Balkans” – Ermal Lubishtani;

“Export Behaviour and Green Investment Decisions: Firm-Level Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe” – Arta Mulliqi.

“Comparative Analysis of Linear Regression and Random Forest for Property Price Prediction in Prishtina: Implica-tions for Emerging Markets”, Visar Hoxha, Albana Shala Bunjaku, Veli Lecaj, Fuat Pallaska , Hazer Dana and Jehona Hoxha.

“Analyzing Credit Risk Factors: A Western Balkans Case Study”, Tringa Danca Hoti, Atdhetar Gara, Besnik Fetai and Arber Hoti.

Sesioni dytë:

Chair: Ermal Lubishtani

Co – Chair: Gresa Mjaku

“A comparative analysis of corporate governance in Public Enterprises in Kosovo – the difference between Central and Local Public Enterprises”, Albrim Badallaj;

“The Impact of Price and Advertisement on Sales Enlighted through the Coefficient of the Multiple Regression Model for the Frozen Picas Factory”,  Ardian Uka and Erzana Uka;

“Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development”, Kujtim Zylfijaj, Mentor Shaqiri.

“Digital Marketing as an Innovative Tool for Recruiting Workers”, Valentina Murati and Yllka Nushi;

“The Role of Entrepreneurial Marketing in Driving Start-Up Success: A Case Study of Kosovo”, Tringa Dança Hoti, Veland Ramadani, Yllka Poteri;

“Investigating the Core Challenges of Leadership in the Digitalization Age”, Ylber Limani and Arbenora Maliqaj

“AI Integration in Kosovo: Exploring Operational Benefits and Workforce Challenges”, Afërina Skeja.

 Sesioni 2B:

Chair: Gonxhe Beqiri

Co – Chair: Fisnik Bytyqi

“Differences and similarities between TQM, LSS and ISO 9001”,Engelbert Zefaj;

“A Comparative Analysis of the effectiveness of traditional versus modern performance management systems in enhancing employee performance and job satisfaction”, Arbiana Govori and Qemajl Sejdija.

“Management of Entrepreneurship by Managers and Owners”, Flamur Miftari;

“Contribution of Project Management During Entrepreneurship Changes”, Ermira Shehu and Osman Sejfijaj.

“Unlocking the Secrets of Effective Leadership: The Dynamic Interplay Between Contingency Theory and Situational Adaptability in Organizational Environments”, Blerona Shala.

“The Impact of Migration on Economic Growth Case Study: Kosovo”, Beatrisë Shabanaj and Kestrim Avdimetaj.

“Sustainable Business Strategies of Tourism Companies”, Arta Kadriu.


Sesioni 3A:

Chair: Arta Mulliqi

Co – Chair: Kestrim Avdimetaj

“Determinants of Financial Inclusion”, Albulena Jahja;

“How Social Media Spreads Disinformation and its Effect on Consumer Behavior”,Gonxhe Beqiri and Egzone Osmanaj.

“The Role of Spatial Planning in the Development of Tourism”, Faton Sherifi, Faton Haziraj, Florim Asani.

“The Importance of Foreign Direct Investments in the Economy. The Case of Kosovo”. Agim Berisha;

“Challenges of Companies in the Digitalization Process in Kosovo”, Besmire Aliu.

“Management of Hotel Enterprises and the Economic Importance of the Human Factor”,  Dijamant Krasniçi dhe Venet Shala.

“Enhancing Real Estate Valuation in Emerging Markets: A Random Forest Approach in Prishtina”, Visar Hoxha, Albana Shala Bunjaku, Veli Lecaj, Fuat Pallaska , Hazer Dana and Jehona Hoxha.


Sesioni 3B:

Chair: Ylber Limani

Co – Chair: Fidane Spahija

“The Impact of Digital Marketing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the Development of the Market in Kosovo”,  Hamëz Rama;

“The Digitization of Public Finance in Algeria, Considering the Experiences of Some African Countries: Are There Any Lessons and Best Practices for Developing Countries?”, Zine M. BARKA;

“The Anti-Corruption Body and the Fight Against Corruption in Bulgaria”, Ivelina Petkova;

“Exploring the Impact of Digital Technologies on Financial Management and Accounting: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities”, Ardiana Ahmetaj , Ylber Limani and Fidane Spahija;

“Implications of COVID-19 Pandemic on Online Consumer Behavior”, Yllka Poteri Avidiu, Tringa Danca Hoti.

“Peeping Tourist. The case of Albturist and Kosovar Albanian Visitors”, Brunilda Licaj, Kushtrim Dreshaj, Fatmire Dreshaj, Merita Begolli Dauti.

Sesioni 4A:

Chair: Engelbert Zefaj

Co – Chair: Kujtim Zylfijaj

“Recruitment and Selection Challenges within the Public Sector in Kosova”,  Fisnik Bytyqi and Nazmi Zeqiri;

“The Relationship Between Government Expenditures and Economic Development: An Assessment for Kosovo”,  Erina Jusufi and Kestrim Avdimetaj;

“Applying Lasso Regression for Property Price Prediction in Emerging Markets: An Empirical Study of Prishtina’s Real Estate Sector”, Visar Hoxha, Albana Shala Bunjaku, Veli Lecaj, Fuat Pallaska, Hazer

Dana and Jehona Hoxha;

“Benefit Realized in The Economy Depending on the Formation of the Demand and Supply Curves”, Shaqir Elezaj and Ramë Elezaj.

Marketing Management Research: How Automation Affects the Performance of Marketing Operations – Jetëlira Podrimaj”, Ylber Limani and Mirjeta Domniku.

“Decisions of individuals for long-term and short-term investments: Research based on consumer perceptions”, Venet Shala, Demir Lima, Qamil Xhaferi;

“Sales Promotion and The Performance of Liquids Production Companies in Kosova”,  Rajan Arapi and Ajsel Xheladini.

Sesioni 4B:

Chair: Shpresim Vranovci

Co – Chair: Ardian Uka

“The Consequences of Providing Lower-Quality Audits for Limited Liabilities Companies (L.L.C) in the Republic of Kosovo”, Blinera Sylejmani.

“The Importance of Financial Literacy, the Inclusion of Financial Education in the School Curriculum (Case study: Kosovo)”, Ardian Uka, Valon Ismajli and Erzana Uka

“Innovative Performance Assessment in AI Era”, Bardha Mustafa and Ermira Shehu

“UBT Campus Enhancing Public Procurement Performance: Key Factors and Insights from Kosovo – Fidane Spahija Gjikolli.

“Lack of Qualified Workforce in the Tourism Sector in the Republic of Kosovo”, Përparim Qahili, Fatmire Shala Dreshaj and Kushtrim Dreshaj.

“Pathways to Leadership in Technology: Adopting Elitism in Higher Education A simplified two-sectors model of technological innovations”,  Elise S. Brezis and Amir Rubin;

“World Trends in Tourism”, Kushtrim Dreshaj, Brunilda Licaj, Fatmire Shala Dreshaj and Sali Krasniqi./UBTNews/

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