Aktiviteti i Arkitekturës dhe Planifikimit Hapësinor, në kuadër të Konferencës Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion, e organizuar nga UBT, ka mbledhur studentë dhe ekspertë nga vendi dhe rajoni, të cilët trajtuan tema tjetër të rëndësishme dhe në interes të përgjithshëm.
Punimet shkencore që u dorëzuan e prezantuan në konferencën e Inxhinierisë Ndërtimore dhe Infrastrukturës ishin:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Lulzim Beqiri.
Co – Chair: Mimoza Sylejmani.
Keynote speaker: Esa Laaksonen, Manuela Almeida.
- “Thresholds in architecture: from symbolics to practical poetics and politics – with a reflection for a post-pandemic world”, Banush Shyqeriu, Erona Jakaj.
- “Paradigm Shift toward Regenerative Construction-Drivers and Barriers; Blerta Vula Rizvanolli, Edeltraud Haselsteiner”, Paola Villoria Sáez.
- “Color schemes in landscape design; color theory”, Nexhat Balaj, Shqiprim Ahmeti.
- “Natural lighting of museums; Shkurte Dalipi, Arbër Sadiki Beliefs and superstitions during the construction of foundation for new houses then and today”, Nexhat Çoçaj.
- “Daylight in underground houses as a new form of housing”, Zana Prelvukaj, Fjolla Abazi.
- “The in-between spaces: informal and formal courtyards in residential architecture in Kosovo – in-between planning, cultural and performative paradigms; Banush Shyqeriu”, Bardha Meta, Blend Dema.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Binak Beqaj
Co – Chair: Elvida Pallaska
- “Chaotic cities of Kosovo and their Urban and Spatial Planning; Venera Goxha, Gresa Neziri Urban Regenerative Design: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Relationship Between Urban Greenspace and Child obesity”, Qingchang He, Andras Reith.
- “The urban and architectural environment of Galata and Pera through the descriptions of some Italian travelers between the 19th and 20th centuries”, Luca Orlandi.
- Integrated Cross- border Spatial Planning; Binak Beqaj Constructing collective memories through spatial transformations – the case of Macedonia square”, Gremina Elmazi.
- “Searching for Sustainable Alternatives in Transportation Systems: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) in the Context of Organic Transportation – Case study of Vienna”,Shqiprim Ahmeti, Kevser Ustundag, Lyra Bakija.
- “Analyses of draft MDP of Prishtina as process and content, vs Kosovo national Law on Spatial Planning and European Spatial Development Perspective?”, Elvida Pallaska
- “The diminishment of civil and political rights during the Covid-19 pandemic. A ‘paved road’ for speculative schemes on city public realm. Case study Tirana”, Doriana Musaj, Ervin Goci
- “Improving mobility, urban structure and fabric through urban planning and design”, Sadije Deliu, Ermal Ahmeti.
- “A framework for identifying safe public spaces: SAFOMETER- an index for evaluating safety” Gresa Neziri, Donika Çapriqi, Venera Goxha.
- “Urbanization and Sustainability”, Arsim Murseli.
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Arbër Sadiki
Co – Chair: Ajhan Bajmaku
- “Archistructures-back to origins”, Feti Selmani, Bledian Nela.
- “A Review on the Kosovo’s Challenge on Green Energy Generation and Paris Climate Agreement”, Mevlan Qafleshi, Driton Kryeziu, Driton Qafleshi.
- “Analysis of the Urban Structure and Revitalization of the Vasil Andoni Street in the Historic Zone of Prishtina”, Besa Jagxhiu, Art Agushi.
- “Housing quality in the city of Berati: an analytical approach of Typology and construction”, Kujtim Elezi, Nuran Salihu.
- “Architectural Design Studio: the systematics of design processes – creativity and innovation within settled and emergent methods and strategies”, Banush Shyqeriu.
- “Church in the village of Vinarci i Epërm – Mitrovica”, Pajazit Hajzeri.
- “The details in traditional dwelling unit “Kulla”,Zekë Islamaj, Bekim Çeko.
- “Needs for architecture interpretation of archaeological remains;”, Veron Tara, Bekim Çeko.
- “The impact of renovation measures for higher efficiency on public buildings – Case Study “Students Center Campus Administration Building, Prishtina”, Albian Rexhepi, Petrit Ahmeti.
- “ Analytical investigation of concrete beams reinforced with hybrid GFRP/steel bars”, Besian Sinani, Edvin Thana.
- “Religious Buildings – Mosques”, Abetare Rexhepi, Binak Beqaj.
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Besa Jagxhiu
Co – Chair: Venera Goxha
- “Housing as an Important Component in Municipal Development Plans and Zonal Maps of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo”, Ramë Hamzaj.
- “Collective memory through architecture in the city of Prishtina”, Drilona Berisha, Arbër Sadiki.
- “Comparison of cultural heritage legislation in the Republic of Kosovo and the Republic of Croatia”,Zejnulla Rexhepi.
- “Overview of norms and guidelines on public housing design”, Visar Shllaku.
- “Challenges in Designing a Rehabilitation Center – Autism”, Bekim Çeko, Mërgime Krasniqi.
- “Air in architecture and the evolution to the ventilated facades”, Roland Asllani.
- “Illegal construction trend: multi-family apartment buildings in Pristina after 2000”, Safete Veliu.
- “Identifying required social changes to avoid gaps in development of regenerative built environment”,Ferhat Bejtullahu.
- “Connection and Difference between Urban Planning, Urban Design, and Urbanism”, Blend Dema
- “Hotel Complex-Case study the Town of Deçan”, Ardit shehu, Lulzim Beqiri.
- “Benefits of digitalization of Construction permit proces case study Prishtina Municipality”,Lulzim Beqiri, Zejnulla Rexhepi.