UBT News

Forcat ruse zbrazin depon ushtarake në Krime

Troops in unmarked uniforms stand guard in Balaklava on the outskirts of Sevastopol, Ukraine, Saturday, March 1, 2014. An emblem on one of the vehicles and their number plates identify them as belonging to the Russian military. Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of sending new troops into Crimea, a strategic Russia-speaking region that hosts a major Russian navy base. The Kremlin hasn't responded to the accusations, but Russian lawmakers urged President Putin to act to protect Russians in Crimea. (AP Photo/Andrew Lubimov)

Forcat ruse kanë zbrazur një depo ushtarake në Krimenë veriore, raporton analisti Brady Africk nga American Enterprise Institute.

Imazhet satelitore tregojnë atë që duket të jetë terren djerrë nga vendi më 25 prill.

Por më 11 shkurt, vendi dukej se kishte automjete të blinduara luftarake, tanke dhe armë artilerie tërheqëse./UBTNews/

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