Një numër i madh i punimeve shkencore janë paraqitur dhe prezantuar online dhe fizikisht nga studiues, shkencëtarë dhe teknologë në Konferencën Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion.
Duke qene kështu, në sesionet e aktivitetit të Shkencave Kompjuterike dhe Inxhinieri kanë prezantuar punime shkencore shumë studiues ndërkombëtarë dhe vendor.
Çështjet dhe temat të cilat u trajtuan në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:
Sesioni i parë
Keynote Speakers: Edmond Hajrizi
Chair: Edmond Jahjaga
Co – Chair: Ramiz Hoxha
- “Detection and recognition of traffic signs in different atmospheric conditions”, Rreze Pylla, Saura Dinarama, Valentina Shabani, Edmond Jajaga.
- “Workplace Chat Application Using Socket Programming in Python”, Egzon Salihu, Gentiana Blakaj.
- “Membership application development – subscription based”, Vlera Zhubi, Medina Shamolli.
- “One-Time Pad Cipher (OTP) Use Cases and Simulation Examples for Electronic Financial Transactions”, Ana Savic Goran Bjelobaba, Nikola Popović, Hana Stefanov.
- “Software Automated Testing using BDD Approach with Cucumber Framework”, Albesë Musliu, Xhelal Jashari.
- “Development of a web application for user management”, Vigan Ramadani, Medina Shamolli.
- “Digitalization gap in academic institutions”, Edin Bula, Besnik Qehaja, Edmond Jajaga.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Bertan Karahoda
Co – Chair: Krenare Pireva
- “Detecting Road Signs with AI powered applications”, Vesa Morina, Edmond Hajrizi.
- “Constructing a personalize Learning Path using Genetic Algorithms approach”, Lumbardh Elshani, Krenare Pireva.
- “Application of Machine Learning in Software Testing: Survey”, Edona Veseli , Ermira Daka.
- “Monitoring Water Level in Lake of Badovci, Prishtina with Remote Sensing & GIS”, Behar Haxhismajli, Besnik Qehaja, Edmond Hajrizi.
- “Pneumonia detection in X- ray images using convolutional neural networks”, Leandrit Ferizi.
- “Chatbot in banks of Kosovo and Albania”, Festina Retkoceri, Festim Halili.
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Zhilbert Tafa
Co – Chair: Xhafer Krasniqi
- “5G Network Deployment at UBT: Features, capabilities and challenges”, Xhafer Krasniqi, Betim Gashi Osman Osmani, Edmond Hajrizi.
- “ TCP Congestion Control Mechanisms – an Experimental Analysis and Comparison”, Vilsan Arifaj, Zhilbert Tafa.
- “Blockchain invoicing for government services”, Vehbi Neziri Ramadan Dervishi, Blerim Rexha.
- “Security and privacy in social networks- Cambridge Analytica and manipulation with data’’, Kushtrim Pacaj, Amet Shabani .
- “Vulnerability and security and in XGS-PON and NG- PON2 technologies”, Jakup Retkoceri.
- “Internet of Things in Healthcare: A Review”, Faton Kabashi, Hizer Leka, Lamir, Shkurti, Vehbi Sofiu, Nazmi Misini.
- “Implementation of Internet of Things in STEAM education”, Eljona Prako ,Alketa Hyso, Dezdemona Gjylapi.
- “Importance of Cryptography in the Government”, Agnesa Pefqeli, Gazmend Krasniqi.
- “The impact of GeoGebra on learning the concept of quadratic function”, Nazmi Misni, Faton Kabashi.