Konferenca Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion vazhdoi punimet me aktivitetin në fushën e Mekatronikës, Robotikës dhe Energjisë Efiçiente, ku në prani të shumë pjesëmarrësve të interesuar, shumica prej të cilëve edhe prezantuan online punimet e tyre shkencore dhe dhanë rekomandimet mbi temat që trajtuan.
Çështjet dhe temat të cilat u elaboruan në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Kliton Bylykbashi
Co – Chair: Armend Ymeri
Keynote speaker: Ferdiana Hoti
- “Can communication of uncertainties increase public participation intention? The case of decommissioning of nuclear power plants in Belgium”, Ferdiana Hoti, Tanja Perko, Peter Thijssen, Ortwin Renn.
- “Energy Efficiency: Case of Study for an Italian Railway Station”, Kliton Bylykbashi, Luca Rubini, Giuseppe Bonifazi.
- “The calculation of appropriate surfaces for installation of solar thermal collectors and solar panels, case study city of Pristine”, Drita Qerimi, Gentiana Alija.
- “Photoelectric effect of solar radiation on small PV systems under the influence of climatic conditions”, Vehebi Sofiu.
- “Superbonus” 110%: the recovery passes through eco-sustainability”, Kliton Bylykbashi, Luca Rubini, Giuseppe Bonifazi.
- “Technical Impacts of Distributed Generation in Distribution Network, Voltage Drops”, Armend Ymeri, Bujar Jupaj, Ali Ibishi.
- “Comparison of wind potential for Zatriq”, Bukurije Hoxha.
- “Energy Analysis of Thermal Collectors with Working Medium Water and Air For Kosovo Climate Conditions”, Blerina Bylykbashi.
- “Study Aspects for the Solar-Photovoltaic System with Installation Capacity of 60.3 Kwp”, Gentiana Alija, Armend Ymeri, Nexhmi Krasniqi.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Vehebi Sofiu
Co – Chair: Nexhmi Krasniqi
- “Analysis and performance of hydro generation of electricity from small hydropower plants”, Vehebi Sofiu, Sami Gashi, Muhaxherin Sofiu.
- “Frequency Control In Smart Networks For Wind Turbines Through Fuzzy Logic Method”, Flakrim Krasniqi, Avni Alidemaj.
- “Testing of the Oil Type Distribution Transformers”, Armend Ymeri, Nexhmi Krasniqi, Arton Aliu, Alush Mexhuani, Edon Hajdini, Endrit Mustafa.
- “Energy Efficiency in Administrative and Education Institution Buildings in Kosovo”, Fuad Pallaska.
- “Energy Legislation in Kosovo, analyses and application compared with EU directives, the importance for improving Energy Efficiency and Sustainability refurbishment of building stock in Kosovo”, Fuad Pallaska.
- “A Treatment of Geothermal Resources”, Visar Bejta.
- “Tidal and Wave Energy: a Viability Overview”. Visar Bejta.
- “Analysis and performance of hydro generation of electricity from small hydropower plants”, Vehebi Sofiu, Sami Gashi, Muhaxherin Sofiu
- “Trepça Mining and Metallurgical Complex as a catalyst for sustainable economic development in Kosovo”, Afrim Osmani.
Sesioni i tretë
Chair: Peter Kopacek
Co – Chair: Betim Shabani
- “Development Trends of Mechatronics”, Peter Kopacek, Ines Bula.
- “Industry 4.0 in the Central and Eastern European value chains: information and communication technology services’ role”, Ewa Cieślik.
- “Soft wheat quality parameters evaluation by Near Infrared Spectroscopy: from field to shelf analysis”, Giuseppe Bonifazi, Riccardo Gasbarrone, Silvia Serranti, Kliton Bylykbashi
- “Barriers in implementation of Lean Manufacturing Techniques in Kosovo’s Industry”, Fatmir Azemi, Roberto Lujić, Goran Šimunović, Luan Mulaku.
- “Cost oriented image processing for mobile robots”, Luan Mulaku, Peter Kopacek, Fatmir Azemi, Fevzi Osmani.
- “Cost Oriented Control Unit for Robotic Arm Mitsubishi Move Master II”, Roni Kasemi, Endrit Hoxha.
- “The challenges of industrial automation in manufacturing companies in Kosovo”, Saranda Demolli.
- “Errors in Distance and Angle Measurements of Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04”, Fidan Smaili, Plotdon Beqiri, Rinor Lubovci.
- “Design of Smart Device for Knee Joint”, Arxhend Jetullahu.
- “3D Digital Measurement of Dimensions, Displacements, and Deformations of the Parts”, Betim Shabani, Fisnik Osmani, Xhemajl Mehmeti.