UBT News

Mbretëria e Bashkuar ka trajnuar 30 mijë rekrutë ukrainas, thotë Ministria e Mbrojtjes

Image of Ukrainian marines, seen here being trained by Royal Marines Commandos and international partners in the UK. Nearly 1,000 Ukrainian marines are set to return home after spending more than six months being trained by Royal Marines Commandos and international partners in the UK, with plans in place to train further cohorts in future. The training was launched following requests from Ukraine and involved instructors from both the marines corps of Norway and the Netherlands, taking place in locations across the south and southwest of England. Launched in January, Royal Marines from 42 Commando and 47 Commando Raiding group, alongside Army Commandos from 24 Commando Engineers and Royal Artillery Gunners from 29 Commando, have been training Ukraine’s forces in small boat amphibious operations – conducting beach raids using inflatable craft. It amounted to the first programme of amphibious training delivered by the UK to Ukraine, culminating with the Ukrainian marines planning and conducting raids by both day and night.

Mbretëria e Bashkuar ka trajnuar 30,000 rekrutë ukrainas që nga qershori i vitit të kaluar, tha Ministria e Mbrojtjes.

Ajo është ndihmuar nga personeli ushtarak nga “10 vendet partnere”, shtoi ai. Ato përfshijnë Kanadanë, Suedinë, Danimarkën, Norvegjinë, Holandën, Finlandën, Australinë dhe Zelandën e Re.

Ministria e Mbrojtjes thotë se ushtarët tani “po luftojnë për të rifituar vendin e tyre”./UBTNews/

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