UBT News

Hashim Thaçit e Kadri Veselit u vazhdohet paraburgimi

Hashim Thaci, who resigned as Kosovo's president to face charges including murder, torture and persecution, makes his first courtroom appearance before a judge at the Kosovo Specialist Chambers court in The Hague, Netherlands, Monday, Nov. 9, 2020. An international prosecutor has indicted Thaci on 10 charges of crimes against humanity and war crimes for his leadership of fighters with the Kosovo Liberation Army who are accused of illegally imprisoning, abusing and murdering captured opponents and perceived traitors during the war. (AP Photo/Jerry Lampen via AP Photo, Pool)

Ish-presidentit të vendit, Hashim Thaçi dhe ish-kryetari i Kuvendit të Kosovës, Kadri Veseli, u është vazhduar masa e paraburgimit nga gjykata Speciale.

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