Konferenca Ndërkombëtare për Shkencë, Teknologji, Biznes dhe Inovacion ka mbajtur punimet me aktivitetin e drejtimit Menaxhmet, Biznes dhe Ekonomi. Pjesë e kësaj konference ishin shumë pjesëmarrës të interesuar, me ç’rast debatuan dhe dhanë rekomandimet mbi temat që trajtuan.
Edicioni i dhjetë i kësaj konferencë mundësoi që edhe kësaj radhe të shkëmbehen përvoja profesionale mes pjesëmarrësve.
Çështjet dhe temat të cilat u elaboruan në konferencën e kësaj fushe janë:
Sesioni i parë
Chair: Arta Mulliqi
Co – Chair: Florin Aliu
- “From Circular Economy to Business-Level Circularity: A Descriptive Case Study”, Xhimi Hysa and Ambra Mallunxa.
- “Net Interest Margin [NIM] in Turkish Financial Sector”, Halit Targan Unal and Neslihan Ozdemir.
- “The Coming of Housing Bubble Burst in the Face of Emigration From Kosovo”, Florin Aliu and Isa Mulaj.
- “Privacy And Data Protection in E-Commerce”, Vesna Paunkoska, Dodevska and Bashkim Nuredini.
- “Impact of macroeconomic indicators on non- performing loans in the Balkan countries”, Agnesa Krasniqi Përvetica.
- “The impact of organizational factors in ethical decision-making process of accountants in Kosovo”, Fidane Spahija Gjikolli and Halime Sadiku.
- “Monetary Policy in the Eurozone Arbiana Govori and Qemajl Sejdija.
- “ Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards as A Basis For Reliable Financial Reporting”, Elvira Pupović
- “Strategic Decision Making “Game Theory” Case study: “Viva Fresh Store and ETC market”, Ardian Uka and Veton Krasniqi.
Sesioni i dytë
Chair: Ermal Lubishtani
Co – Chair: Bashkim Nurboja
- “Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Public Debt and Economic Growth in the Western Balkans Countries”, Kestrim Avdimetaj.
- “Least cost power supply options for Kosovo 2021- 2030”, Ymer Rudari and Ermal Lubishtani.
- “ONLINE Did Covid 19 Kill the Creativity of Project Managers?”, Ermira Shehu and Osman Sejfijaj.
- “Quality of financial information and accounting considerations during the COVID-19 pandemic”, Maria Markova and Georgi Hristov.
- “The Effect of Country-of-Origin on the Customers’ Perception of Product: A Literature Review”, Nora Sadiku-Dushi, Gonxhe Beqiri and Afërina Skeja.
- “Covid-19 pandemic and economic crisis: the experience of North Macedonia”, Amir Imeri and Gojart Kamberi.
- “Level of customer satisfaction for 4G service in the region of Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo”, Teuta Veseli-Kurtishi and Elion Ramadani
- “The Effects of the Covid 19 Pandemic On Global Economy,With a Special Emphasis on Kosovo”, Feim Brava.
Sesioni tretë
Chair: Edmond Hajrizi
Co – Chair: Naim Preniqi
- “Sustainable Development and Education”, Edmond Hajrizi
- “Workforce Diversity and Innovation Performance: A Micro-Level Analysis of Transition Economies”, Arta Mulliqi.
- “The Effect of Influencer Marketing on Brand Awareness”,Gonxhe Beqiri and Nora Sadiku-Dushi.
- “Industry 4.0 in the Central and Eastern European value chains: information and communication
- echnology services’ role”,Ewa Cieślik.
- “The contribution of SMEs to the economic development and in increasing of the employment rate of the country – the case of Kosovo”, Bekim Marmullaku.
- “A Review of Evaluation Methodology and the Microeconomic Empirical Studies”, Albulena Jahja, Nick
- Adnett, Mehtap Hisarciklilar and Artane Rizvanolli.
- “Relationship between Inflation and Unemployment: The Case Study of Former Yugoslav Countries”, Florin Aliu, Albulena Jahja and ErmalLubishtani.
- “IC-MBE, 2021 Economic and tourist effects of external migration in Kosovo”, Hazer Dana and Tomor
- Çela.
Sesioni i katërt
Chair: Gonxhe Beqiri
Co – Chair: Amir Imeri
- “Entrepreneurship as a contemporary process: Leadership – Innovation – Change”, Osman Sejfijaj and Ermira Shehu.
- “ONLINE The machine learning algorithms to the market return Ran You A Comparative Research on Digital News Production Practices of Local Newspapers: The Case of Turkey, France and Azerbaijan”, Aysel Çetinkaya
- “Economic Dynamics and Enterprise Digitalization Trends”, Ylber Limani and Blerina Hoxha.
- “Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Non- Performing Loans (NPL) In The Banking Sector in Kosovo”, Enver Daci.
- “Pension Funds Management: Case Study Kosovo Pension Savings Fund – Trust”, Hasan Metin and Nora Blaku.
- “Theoretical and Empirical Literature on Entrepreneurial Activities and Economic Performance”. Ermal Lubishtani, Iraj, Hashi and Ian Jackson
- “Global Issues in Project Management”, Besnik Skenderi and Diamanta Skenderi.
- “Determinant of profitability in the Kosovo Microfinance Institutions”, Bashkim Nurboja.
- “The impact of financial development on economy”, Kaltrina Sylaj, Naim Preniqi and Sema Kazazi.
Sesioni pestë
Chair: Enver Krasniqi
Co – Chair: Ardian Uka
- “Phillips Curve in Self-management Socialism of Yugoslavia”, Florin Aliu, Isa Mulaj and Ruzhdi Matoshi.
- “Being a STEM women in Kosovo”, Afërina Skeja, Nora Sadiku-Dushi and Gülay Keskin.
- “Application of the self-checkout system in Kosovo”, Hamëz Rama and Fjolla Leka.
- “The Role of Senior Management In The Integration of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Activities”, Enver H. Krasniqi, Dea Krasniqi and Lorik Abdullahu.
- “The comparison of students’ assessment in Kosovo High Schools through online test and hardcopy”, Nexhat Bajrami, Fëllënza, Beka-Bajrami and Elmire Nikçi-Rexha.
- “Lean Six Sigma for Public Sector Process Visibility Improvement”, Engelbert Zefaj.
- “The impact of remittances on economic growth in Kosovo”, Sakipahija Gjikolli and Rrahman Krasniqi.
- “The importance of existing HR department in SME’s in Kosovo”, Mentor Shaqiri and Ismajl Mehmeti.
- “Loans with different nominal interest ratës”,Ramadan Limani .
- “Laplacian’s Statistical Management of Heat Transmission”, Shaqir Elezaj and Egzona Elezaj.
Sesioni i gjashtë
Chair: Nora Sadiku – Dushi
Co – Chair: Kestrim Avdimetaj
- “Small and medium businesses development strategy in Republic of Kosovo – Case study “Municipality of Peja”,Ardian Berisha.
- “The Impact of training on the Performance of Managers and Employees on the Success or Growth of SMEs in Kosovo”, Enver H. Krasniqi, Dea Krasniqi and Lorik Abdullahu.
- “The Impact of Advertising on Consumer Decisions to Purchase Products”, Rajan Arapi and Meriton Isufi.
- “Impact of Prices During Diaspora Flow (2017- 2021)”, Ardian Uka and Drilon Bejtullahi.
- “The role and importance of promotion in the development of Kosovar construction companies – Case Study – “Standard” and “Trade”, Mirjeta Domniku, Mersiha Kaçamakoviç and Blerta Avdyli.
- Restructuring of Banking Systems Shpresim Vranovci Recycling management for construction waste and pharmaceutical Waste-Case Study: “Gremlog” and “Heavy Machinery Viqa” –Dubai”, Mersiha Kacamakovic, Mirjeta Domniku and Arbenita Shefkiu.
- “The Effect of Remuneration on Quality Management in Public Institutions in Kosovo”, Enver Daci.
- “General Office Of The Auditor in Kosovo (OAG)1 VS Court Of Audit in Slovenia (CA)2 – Comparative Aspect Of Performance Indicators”, Gresa Mjaku.
- “The Impact of Minimum Wage on Social Schemes – The Case of Kosovo”, Sakip Imeri, Mustafe Hasani, Nazmi Pllana and Selman Berisha.
Sesioni i shtatë
Chair: Ylber Limani
Co – Chair: Ermira Shehu
- “How technology is reshaping the entrepreneurship ecosystem”, Shpat Musliu and Ermal
- Lubishtani.
- “The Impact of Psychology Management on Organizational Values”, Ylber Limani and Aurela
- Deda.
- “Challenges in Human Resource Management Bardha Mulhaxha Mountain tourism development: A case study of “Kodra e Diellit” in North Macedonia, and “Brezovica” in Kosovo”, Ruzhdi Matoshi, Isa Mulaj and Florin Aliu.
- “Central banks’ priorities today – price stability in relation to financial stability”, Nexhat Kryeziu.
- “Utilization of digital platforms in Kosovo Case study: the digital platform MJEKU.app”,Blerina Boshtraj and Hasan Metin.
- “Types of Financial and Economic Crisis”, Burhan Rexhepi .
- “The impact of artificial intelligence on entrepreneurial activities and the global market” Shend Musliu and Ermal Lubishtani.
- “Sustainability in Higher Education”, Donjeta Bajraktari and Hasan Metin.