UBT News

7,326 palestinezë të vrarë në sulmet ajrore

A ball of fire and smoke rises from an explosion on a Palestinian apartment tower following an Israeli air strike in Gaza City, Saturday, Oct. 7, 2023. The militant Hamas rulers of the Gaza Strip carried out an unprecedented, multi-front attack on Israel at daybreak Saturday, firing thousands of rockets as dozens of Hamas fighters infiltrated the heavily fortified border in several locations by air, land, and sea and catching the country off-guard on a major holiday. (AP Photo/Adel Hana)

Ministria palestineze e Shëndetësisë thotë se të paktën 7,326 palestinezë janë vrarë në sulmet ajrore izraelite në Gaza që nga 7 tetori.

Shifra përfshin 3,083 fëmijë, tha ai./UBTNews/

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